By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

How well do you know people who are preaching spiritual words and works and just how genuine are they? You see, not all people preaching words from the Scriptures or making up their own silken smooth words for their followers to think they are pure of heart really are pure of heart at all. Nor are they actually working for God and goodness, but more for their own glorification and to elevate themselves in the eyes of others. They are often working for themselves and their own popularity, but do it in such a way that so many following them are fooled into a false sense of security.

Are you being led into worshipping God or false gods when you follow these people and are you following a true prophet of Christ or a false prophet? If people are on a path that is not of God that is their choice and to be respected, but the ones I talk of here are those who pretend to be men or women of God and who are really only out for themselves. Many don’t recognise what it is they’re doing as they look at the words only and not at the person or their actions. Maybe by thinking of the words in the above title, some might start to look differently and question what their work really is about. Is it just words or do they actually do anything?

If talking of God and Christ offends people calling themselves spiritual or who talk of angels all the time, then their belief system is rather a confused one as angels are either of God or the devil and if you don’t believe in either, where exactly do their angels come from? Is their spirituality based on getting more people for their mediumship demonstrations to glorify themselves and make money from, or is it to get you to think about how you live morally and behave towards others, or to help you grow as a person? The above title is one that is worth thinking about from time to time if you follow those who sound very spiritual in their words – and that includes me. It isn’t words used that matter, it is deeds; what those words are and if they actually have any meaning or teaching in them to help you look inside yourself and question how you live and behave towards others. The results of their work is what we should be looking at.

There are people today I see around me who are very popular and loved for their silken smooth words that appear to be very spiritual and well meaning – but some of these people aren’t as they appear. There is also no obvious reason for their being followed by so many apart from the fact they do ‘readings’ when they do their demonstrations. There is seemingly no other purpose to what they do. People are searching desperately for something good as that is missing so much in today’s world. Is this why so many are often easily taken in by those who speak using terminology they know will draw people to them, thereby deceiving what their true purpose is for doing it? Just being ‘nice’ all the time isn’t actually doing anything though is it? How is it helping you to grow and develop as an individual? Anyone can be nice, but to be a truly good person takes a lot more work than that.

From what I can see, most are building their own popularity and trying to gain as many followers as possible, but without actually teaching them anything or helping them. Most are doing it because they do demonstrations of mediumship and this is what they’re really trying to build their following up for. They speak words of God in ways they make up themselves and yet there is no substance to any of it as they aren’t actually teaching anyone anything about themselves and they aren’t doing it to bring people to God, only to gain more followers for themselves.

The phrase, ‘By their fruits you shall know them’ is really worth thinking about. Take time someday to sit back and ponder on those few words. How many people do you know who use softly spoken words of a very spiritual nature? Where are they taking you with them and why are they actually saying them? Does it make you feel warm, cosy and comforted? If the answer is ‘yes’ then they aren’t helping you. In order to grow, we need to sometimes be made uncomfortable about ourselves and who we are. We need to be made to look inside ourselves and see our faults and do something about them. None of us is nice or good all the time and we all have faults. It is these we need to look at and work on.

A true teacher and spiritual advisor would be doing that. Is what they say or do making you re-think your life, your actions and what the meaning of life is about? Is it making you question how you treat others or about life after this world, or is it just making you feel the person saying them is a good and nice person so you’ll follow them? Remember, ‘by their fruits…’

Unless what they say serves a purpose for good, then their words are empty and meaningless. Unless they make people re-think their actions and behaviour, then they might as well not have spoken. Are these people even giving themselves titles that sound rather grand in order to make themselves seem even more spiritual than they actually are? Light workers, Angels of Light and anything else similar are all done to make themselves sound more spiritual and for no other purpose. If someone is doing good works, they don’t need to say they are earth angels or light workers, their deeds should speak for themselves.

So many today say wondrous and very spiritual things they often pretend are given to them, yet are worded by themselves to deceive you into thinking they are inspired by God or the spirit world. Most of them also say you can do as you please as there are no bad people in the world and we can all do as we choose to do because God loves all people. Well actually, part of that is right. God does love all He created, but that doesn’t mean He likes everyone and what they say or do. If we were all so perfect, why did He send His only Son to save us all? If you don’t believe in Him or His Son, how come you believe in angels?

If they use the word angel in everything they say (or even in their own names) then they should be bringing you to God not to just themselves. If they aren’t, they shouldn’t be deceiving by saying things that actually have no substance or worth just to make you be drawn into their webs of self glorification. Is their work about glorifying themselves and bringing more people just to them, so they can eventually have more crowds to make more money and appear so popular? Or is it about glorifying who it is we should truly be glorifying – are they also bringing bigger numbers back to God?

There is nothing wrong with people having a huge following or in making money to live by, but it should be for the right reasons and sadly, most today aren’t.

If your path is one that is not of God then that is your choice and to be respected. Whoever is professing to be a spiritual leader or advisor should be doing it to help you – not themselves. If they are not of God, the same rules apply. It should be all about you and helping you as a person understand more about who you are and how you behave in this world to all in it. If others use God’s name or not in their words doesn’t matter, the intent and purpose in what they say is though.  Much is done today just to swell numbers and make money for themselves and is something  we are now seeing far too often. I pray one day, people will open their eyes to these deceivers and see them for what they really are.

Words said to spiritually guide, will sometimes make you uncomfortable about who you are.  If they only make you feel good and don’t make you question yourself so you try to improve who you are, then they aren’t true spiritual words spoken by those working for you or God, they are spoken by those working for themselves.

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2 responses to “By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

  1. “By their fruits…” is one of my golden rules. Speaking purely for myslef, I have bought many a book by these sorts of folks. And do get a bit of a moralistic high reading them and thinking that “maybe this” will be something very important and make a difference in my world”, only to feel like as though the path that you’ve been daisy led down ends at a brick wall.
    Many times their message is so simplistic that it would require just one article and not the many books and rock star like followings that they seem to attract. Perhaps “followers” should be just another word for “beware”, especially when those who follow these kinds of “spiritual folks in the know” seem to feel the need to defend them so vehemently if one were to disagree with them. Hmmmmm…..

  2. Hi Lorraine another thought provoking and informative article.Discernment is one of themost important gifts we receive from the Holy Spirit bothfor personal and spiritual guidance use. If you know God you know truth and evil and lies areas clear as the nose on your face most of the time. The key sentence for mein this message was if you are on God’s path. All who are on His path will see and prayers for those who know and choose to useit for personal gain and harm toothers thanks Lorraine have a great day

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